Upside Down Whimsy

Upside Down Whimsy

Whimsical or Not? My post from last week, entitled Christmas Whimsy, received a comment suggesting that Christmas was not whimsical. Since I like to think of a blog as a dialogue, all respectful comments are welcome and worth pondering. And so I pondered. Since one...
Christmas Whimsy

Christmas Whimsy

I haven’t written in a while and I do apologize. All the holiday hubbub, I suppose. Here we are, just a few days from Christmas and I want to get back on a weekly schedule for the new year. When I started Art & Whimsy in May, my purpose was to make a case...
Bevo Mill

Bevo Mill

The Neighborhood The majority of families in my neighborhood had German last names. We first, second, third, or further back generation Germans were called “Southside Dutch”. Dutch, is this case, is an Anglo variant of Deutsch, the German word for German....
Triumphal Arch

Triumphal Arch

Happy Birthday, Gateway Arch! This week marks the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO. It’s official name is The Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, a U. S. National Park, which includes the Old Courthouse (1839), site of...
Library Stories

Library Stories

The St. Louis Public Library We have seventeen library branches throughout our city. There are twenty more in the St. Louis County Library system, which is separate from the city, but part of the metro area. Pictured above is the Central Library, a Cass Gilbert Beaux...


Color “There is no color in this world”, wrote pastor/theologian John Calvin, “that is not intended to make us rejoice”. I doubt very many have gazed into a sunset, stained glass, or the glittering band of our Milky Way, without a sense of awe....